

<訃報>鶴見和子さん88歳=上智大名誉教授、社会学者 民俗学の方法を取り入れた独自の学風で知られた社会学者で上智大名誉教授の鶴見和子さんが7月31日、死去した。88歳。葬儀の日取りと喪主は未定。父は政治家の鶴見祐輔、母方の祖父は後藤新平。柳…


Jane Jacobs, the writer and thinker who brought penetrating eyes and ingenious insight to the sidewalk ballet of her own Greenwich Village street and came up with a book that challenged and changed the way people view cities, died today in…


John Kenneth Galbraith, 97, Dies; Economist Held a Mirror to Society John Kenneth Galbraith, the iconoclastic economist, teacher and diplomat and an unapologetically liberal member of the political and academic establishment that he needle…


Denis Twitchett, a scholar of imperial China best known for his role in conceiving and creating "The Cambridge History of China," a monumental 15-volume study widely regarded as the most comprehensive history of China in the English langua…


都留重人さん93歳=経済学者、日本学士院会員 旧経済企画庁(現・内閣府)の前身の経済安定本部で、第1回の経済白書(現在は経済財政白書)の執筆責任者を務めた経済学者で日本学士院会員の都留重人(つる・しげと)さんが、5日、呼吸不全のため死去した…


Betty Friedan, the feminist crusader and author whose searing first book, "The Feminine Mystique," ignited the contemporary women's movement in 1963 and as a result permanently transformed the social fabric of the United States and countri…